Date: 10/22/2011
Time: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Air Temp: 40-55F
Water Temp: 50F
Sky: Cloudy
Wind: 0-5mph
Referance Level: 8.0' falling
Clarity: Lite Chocalate Milk (2.5')
17 Smallies: 8-17"
2 Walleyes
Tropical Storm Lee dumped 12+ inches of rain on the Southern Tier, creating record flood levels and devestation. After spending numerous hours cleaning basements and tearing out walls, floors, and you name it, finally a little relief in a weekend of fishing.
Date: 10/23/2011
Time: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Air Temp: 45-60F
Water Temp: 50F
Sky: Partly Cloudy
Wind: 0-5mph
Referance Level: 7.5' falling
Clarity: Lite Chocalate Milk (2.5')
18 Smallies: 8-17"
1 Small Muskie